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International Symposium for the prevention of traffic accidents "Towards a safe road"

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International Symposium for the prevention of traffic accidents "Towards a safe road"

This symposium gathered representatives from road safety organisations and ministries from the Arab region and several European countries to discuss road safety strategies, road safety campaigns, traffic education, traffic infrastructure and other road safety themes. By hosting and co-organising this symposium, the Libyan Ministry of Transportation has indicated its interest in improving road safety in Libya.

The Dutch Traffic Safety Association gave a presentation on 'Traffic calming measures for urban areas; the Dutch approach'. There were several presentations from host country Libya about amongst other things: black spots, towards a Libyan strategy to prevent traffic accidents and the role of associations, organisations and NGOs in raising awareness and in traffic education.

A selection from the other presentations:

  • Tunisia presented their programme Vive la vie with festivals for traffic safety, mainly aimed at young people. 
  • Jordany and Abu Dhabi both presented their road safety strategies and examples of their road safety policies.
  • Portugal puts great emphasis on the role of parents in road safety education. Parents have to give the right example.
  •  Egypt focuses on the bad condition of cars which cause the most accidents.
06/October/2009 to 08/October/2009
Preventing of Road Accidents - Towards a safe road.
Location : 
Tripoli - Libya
Arab Road Safety Organization (AROSO), La Prévention Routière Internationale (PRI) and the Ministry of Transportation of Libya.
PDF icon Symposium Tripoli Programme.pdf83.8 KB

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