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There is a high consensus among scientist community, researchers and experts in road safety that the behaviour of road users is strongly related to the level of risk accidents. speed, seat belt use, helmet use, respect of red-light priority, respect of Stop signal, phone use when driving, transportation of the children in the front seats, …are the main themes concerned. This kind of behaviour on the road makes it unsafe and risky.

To help our members inside PRI and therefore their countries and stakeholders to build a sound strategy, to fixe priorities, to set targets and goals in road safety at national and local levels need to know first what are the realities and figures of those indicators. We believe that inside PRI we can offer some technical assistance to members using the expertise we have among other members already familiars with this kind of studies. With this initiative, PRI expect to be a real and best area for changing best practices, challenges, fails to avoid, …between members. The outcome of this project is highly important for all members and should help all of you to be a real advisor for national authorities responsible for road safety.

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