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International conference on Road safety: a responsibility of the company?

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International conference on Road safety: a responsibility of the company?

La Prévention Routière Internationale – PRI and French Association “La Prévention Routière Française” are organizing an international conference on «Road Safety: a responsibility of the company? «. It will take place in Paris at SALON DES MIROIRS on June 20th -21st, 2018. It is generally accepted that most road traffic is generated by travel forprofessional reasons. Still, these trips are not without risk of accident. The road accident remains by far the first fatal risk of an accident at work. By choosing this theme, and through this conference, the organizers wish to strengthen the debate on the role of the company in improving road safety. Investing in road safety in the company can have a very positive impact not only on reducing the number of deaths but also on its notoriety, its competitiveness and the creation of wealth. About 100 participants are expected at this conference, experts, academics, institutional actors, professionals and civil society components to exchange views and good practices. We look forward to your participation and your contribution to this conference. Looking forward to seeing you so many «Breathe Paris, it retains the soul» said Victor Hugo.

20/June/2018 to 21/June/2018
Location : 
Paris - France

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