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4th Internation Conference-Prishtina, Republic of Kosovo

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4th Internation Conference-Prishtina, Republic of Kosovo

Road  safety  is  a  shared  challenge  for  all,  and globalization  has  almost  eliminated  the  borders  between  countries.

Pursuant to UN Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011-2020, on January 20, 2017 the College of Applied Technical Sciences “Tempulli” and Kosovo Association of Motorization "AMRKS" from Prishtina, Republic of Kosovo, will organize the 4th International Conference: 

“Safety – Key Challenge for Sustainable Transport and Mobility”

This Conference is supported by IRU Academy, European Transport Safety Council – ETSC, Centre for Transport and Logistics (CTL)-"Sapienza" University of Rome and Kosovo Forum for Road Safety. The Conference will bring together all the stakeholders committed towards improvement of road safety and develop a comprehensive and shared approach to the problem, with the aim to exchange best practices in effective road safety action programs between local, regional and European institutions and stakeholders engaged in Transport and Road Safety issues.

The 4th International Conference “Safety – Key Challenge for Sustainable Transport and Mobility” it will be held on January 20, 2017 at Hotel SIRIUS in Prishtina, Republic of Kosovo.

Location : 
Prishtina, Republic of Kosovo
Tempulli, AMRKS

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