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International Road Safety Conference 2016

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International Road Safety Conference 2016

National Council for Traffic Safety on the roads is the governing body in the country, specializing in road traffic, which operate and take care of performance, promotion and development of cooperation and coordination in the prevention work of state bodies, institutions, legal entities and other entities on issues of self-protection in the field of road traffic and initiate cooperation and implementation of activities and measures to improve safety in road traffic.

Accordingly, and in order to achieve the objectives set Decade for Road Safety and the exchange of best practices and experiences The Council organized the 1st International Conference entitled "Managing the safety of road traffic in Southeast Europe, challenges and guidelines for action. "

Patron of the conference is the President of Macedonia, Gjorge Ivanov, and the same is expected to be attended by heads of national bodies to raise traffic safety on the roads in the region. At the same time, participants will be university professors in the region, representatives of leading bodies for traffic safety on the roads, representatives from the Ministry of Interior, traffic engineers and a large number of participants who will talk about the challenges in traffic.

The conference will be held from 09/29/2016 until 10/01/2016 at the hotel Alexander Palace.

29/September/2016 to 01/October/2016
Location : 
Skopje - Macedonia

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