Congrés International sur la Conduite autonome et l’impact sur la sécurité routièreInternational
The International Congress on Autonomous Driving and the Impact on Traffic Safety will be held in Lisbon at Tivoli Hotel in 13-14th of October 2016. This great event will be organized in collaboration with the very appreciated contribution of PRP-Portugal. We are pleased to invite prospective conference speakers and presenters to submit their abstracts for consideration by the Program Committee.
This is a key and very topical theme at global level. By choosing this theme, PRI and its members would like to contribute to the discussion in the international community on the development and improvement of new technologies related to road safety. The International Congress will bring together leading professionals, experts, academia and stakeholders from different areas to examine autonomous driving and all related issues.
Researchers, academics, policy makers and road safety practitioners are encouraged to submit their abstracts.
We look forward to your involvement in what promises to be a rich and rewarding road safety conference experience.
La Prévention Routière Internationale - PRI