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30e Conférence de l’ACPSER et 14e Congrès mondial de la PRI sous la thématique  « L’équité : La sécurité routière pour tou

La Prévention Routière Internationale – PRI and French Association “La Prévention Routière Française” are organizing an in

Download the vectorial file of the competition : Affiche Concours

On Thursday, 04 May 2017, at the Carthage Palace, the President of the Republic, Baiji Kayed Sibsi, received a delegation

Requested by the United Nations General Assembly, the Fourth United Nations Global Road Safety Week will be held from 8-14

Road  safety  is  a  shared  challenge  for  all,  and globalization  has  almost  eliminated  the  borders  between  coun

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